Glued laminated scantlings made of pine wood can be used for the production of wooden windows, doors, furniture and construction materials.


We produce about 1000 m3 per month of high quality finger jointed and fixed(without finger joints) scantlings with a moisture level of up to 12%. Scantlings are made from finger jointed lamellas (single piece length: 21-70 cm).

Līmēts busas


Glued pine wood panels can be used in the production of furniture and doors, as well as in the construction of houses for the production of interior elements.


We produce about 50 m3 of pine panels per month from one-piece or lengthwise grown lamellas with a moisture level of up to 12%.


Ash wood panels for table tops and stair treads are available in small quantities.

Līmēti paneļi


All wood residues from the production of beams and boards are used in the production of wood pellets and briquettes. There is very little ash left after heating, because our pellets and briquettes are made only from clean wood residues without bark, sand and other impurities.

Wood pellets is a modern fuel that can be used in both pellet fireplaces and automated pellet heating systems.


We produce about 300 tons of Premium class pellets per month.

Kokskaidu granulas


Visi brusu un plātņu ražošanā radušies koksnes pārpalikumi tiek izmantoti kokskaidu granulu un brikešu ražošanā. Pēc to kurināšanas paliek ļoti maz pelnu, jo mūsu granulas un briketes tiek ražotas tikai no tīras koksnes atlikumiem bez mizas, smiltīm un citiem piejaukumiem.


Kokskaidu briketes ir mūsdienīgs kurināmais, kas var izmantot visās malkas apkures sistēmās ar daudz lielāku siltumietilpību. Viena tonna brikešu aizstās apmēram trīs m3 malkas, kas ekonomē uzglabāšanas vietu un kraušanas laiku. Briketes arī nav jažāvē un jāskalda kā malka.


Mēnesī saražojam ap 50 t Premium klases briketes.

Kokskaidu briketes


Other production residues, such as wood chips and shavings, are also collected and utilized by providing heat to our company, as well as sold as a source of heat to other interested parties.


We produce about 2,500 m3 of chips and shavings per month for sale.
